Archive for March, 2010

Ribs’ Recollections: Who Let the Dogs Out?

March 12, 2010

My guess is the butler.


Survivor Predictions: Week 5

March 11, 2010

Record: 0-4

By this point you should be hanging on my every word.

What was more huge last week? Tom finding the immunity idol or JD flipping and voting off Cirie? The answer: Both.

Honestly, I’m shocked at just how bad the “Heroes” have been at the challenges thus far. There wasn’t even a puzzle last week. But I can’t imagine them losing three in a row. I mean really. SO. Once again I will pick them to win the immunity challenge.

Because of that, I will stick with my pick from last week. Russel isn’t making friends by looking for the immunity idol. He will likely find it making the “Villains” weary to vote for him so they will go after Parvati. Maybe I will just pick Parvati every week? It has to be right sooner or later.

Prediction: Parvati


Down with the Sickness

March 5, 2010

I have a cold. It feels like I got smacked in the head with a blunt medieval weapon. Like a mace or a quarterstaff (Wikipedia). I don’t much care for it. To be honest.

On a scale of 4-9, being sick gets a 3.

This is unusual for me. I never get sick. EVER. I’m typically immune to everything. Even pig flu. Or bird flu. Or pig bird flu. When people say, “Don’t come near me. I’m sick.” I come near them and make them feel wonderful about themselves. When my wife says, “Don’t kiss me. I don’t want you to get sick.” I say, “I’ll take my chances.” Cause that is smooth and I like my odds.

I’ve always been quite certain that were the world to fall victim to an engineered virus that turned all humans into ravenous, flesh-eating zombies, I would be fine. A-Okay. I would learn to adapt and survive in this post-apocalyptic world with my pet dog, Odysseus. We would scavenge through the rubble once known as “civilization”  in search of food, supplies and other survivors. During the day, we would hunt the zombie people for shits and giggles in the name of science. In the hope that we may find the cure. (Now. I’m not a scientist like Will Smith. So. That last part is unlikely. We would hunt them, though. Of that I am sure. Cause, honestly, what else are you gonna do with your time in that situation? Watch TV? Out of the question. Man vs. Food would not still be on the air.)

But now. With this cold. I just don’t know anymore. Maybe I’m doomed to be a zombie person just like the rest of you.



Ribs’ Recollections: The Good Old Days

March 5, 2010

Ahhh, those were the days.


Survivor Predictions: Week 4

March 4, 2010

Record: 0-3

Close but no cigar. Last week I wrote out my entire post with the intention of picking Randy to be voted out. For reals. Then, at the last minute, I changed it to Courtney. Why? You ask. I don’t know. My bad. At least I picked the right team. Here’s to small victories!

By the way. Remember when Randy threw his buff in the fire? Is he five years old? No. He is like 50 something. But still.

If you ask me, there was definitely a little interference from the producers in last week’s episode by making the reward/immunity challenge entirely physical with no puzzle to be found. I doubt CBS/Mark Burnett wants this thing to become too one-sided. Naturally. The “Heroes” won immunity 7-0 without hardly breaking a sweat. James vs. Randy has to be one of the most lopsided matchups in the history of the show. It looked like Shaquille O’Neal fighting a muskrat. Now that the “Heroes” have their mojo going, I imagine you will see a puzzle again this episode.

Without further ado. I’m sticking with the “Heroes” on the immunity challenge. Four weeks in a row. This is the week they conquer the puzzle and tie the score.  It looks like “Boston” Rob and Russel are about to start a power struggle on the “Villains” that may tear the tribe in half. As it is now, I think more people will stick with “Boston” Rob due to his value and popularity. Because it will be too early to get rid of Russel for physical reasons, Rob will chop off one of his legs by going for Parvati. A serious threat in her own right, and a previous winner.

Prediction: Parvati
